Saturday, September 15, 2007

She's A Big Girl!!

I had a happy/sad moment yesterday as I took out Joli's infant seat that she no longer fits in, and installed the new "big girl" seat. As we ran our numerous errands yesterday afternoon, I kept looking back and thinking about how exciting it was that she was finally turned around, and I could talk to her, and play with her, and hand her things without straining my neck. She was just as ecstatic. She's smiled and laughed and eventually noticed the road and the other cars, and road around with an open mouthed stare.

Unfortunately, as I cleaned the old "baby" seat, I began to reminisce about the day that we bought it. I thought about standing in Target with my then very sweet husband, and how worried he was that I had just had another contraction. (As though my water was going to break and the baby was just going to pop out onto the floor). Then we brought it home and put it all together and in the car. I remember at that moment thinking that I was completely ready. We now had the one thing we needed to bring our baby home from the hospital.

Now I have this big baby who's almost walking!! I'm excited about how much she's achieved but sad to let go of that little baby who needs me for everything. I guess it's no secret that having is a bittersweet experience.

On a happier note, Joli's wearing another very cute Halloween outfit today!


Laume said...

Hehehehehehehee - she looks so cute grinning like that. And all these cute Halloween outfits on my grandbaby - could it get any better?! Well, yeah. If I could see her in them in person. Sigh. Patience. Go back to work. Double Sigh.

Anonymous said...

Your Crazy Girl!! lol... I kept the kids in a rear facing seat until they were one like Everyone says too. But I do rememeber turning them around it was awesome when that day came.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how fast she has grown. it seems like not to long ago i was seeing her for the first time when she was 1 week old and now in just about 2 months she will be 1 year old. It's bittersweet for auntie also. Every stage that she has is amazing to me. She's soo smart and beautiful and I just can't wait to see what she does next.