Friday, August 1, 2008

Good Faeries Unite

Eventually we finally got ourselves all together and all dressed and made our way to Faerieworlds!! This is the costume Joe's mom wore for Good Faeries Day.
And here is the adorable Joli! She's wearing a costume simliar to last year's and we have a LOT of people approach us to say that they remembered her from last year and had several pictures of her!
Here is Joe's mom and dad, Joli, and our my new adopted sister from England! Victoria flew all the way over here by herself and since she and Laume are on the same forum she got to stay with us!! She is so cute, I kept saying I would have loved to tuck her in my suitcase and take her home!
Here is Laume's costume from the back. Aren't the wings she made so cute!
Here is my sister Brianna in the costume we put together a few weeks ago. I thought she looked simply but very cute! You can also see my stepdad, Pat, in the background. He didn't dress up, but he had a good time looking at everyone else's costumes!
Another picture of my little faerie baby!

This was dinner time. Joli enjoyed quesadillas most of the weekend. I think she was just to distracted to sit and eat, and quesadillas are mobile.
Here's Joli a little later when we found the hoola hoops. While we were checking those out I had a professional photographer approach me and show me the book he's having published that has a picture of Joli from last year!!! Go Joli!
As the day was winding down, Joli decided to use some of her leftover energy to tackle her Auntie! I don't think Brianna minded!
Once it got to be about 10:00pm or so, Joli had lost most of that energy and slept on her Auntie. She kind of looks like a little pea pod.

1 comment:

Miss Elena said...

did i not exist this day? lol