Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Much to my surprise Kota has gotten even larger in the last six weeks. So to make up for that we went and bought him a new crate. Apparently Joli thought that meant she could take over the old one. She thinks it's a playhouse!!
As you can see it's not latched shut, but she continues to close the door! Maybe she's pretending she's a dog?
We spent most of the evening hanging out in our car while Joe got some tattoo work done. To make the time pass we took some pictures. Here is Joli after she said "Picture belly".
Then she started doing this hilarious thing where she would say "Mommy, picture" and then turn around and stick out her booty! I was laughing so hard I barely got a good picture!
Later, after many hours of shamelessly entertaining Joli and lots of driving, we returned home and all fell into bed. Joli was completely please that Mommy and Daddy were too tired to make her go to her bed.

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