Saturday, April 28, 2007

Quality Time

Well today was supposed to be our day with Joe. He tells me last night that we can take a drive and all spend time together in the afternoon. In the morning his buddies are going to come over so they can "drop a motor". But it will only be in the morning and then we will have him. Two'O'clock rolls around and he's just finishing up with his friends. Now he says that there's not enough time to go for a drive, apparently his friends are coming over tonight. Well thanks for letting me know. We decide to just go run errands. Joli plays in the grass while she waits for us. I get the impression grass doesn't taste good.

Then we came home and I made an attempt at tidying up before Joe's friends get here. I did some laundry...

It's nice to have help. Now I'm just waiting for a pack of wild boys to come over and mess it all up again. Oh well, another day gone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish my laundry looked so cute!