Friday, November 2, 2007

We're Home!!!

After lot and LOTS of traveling, we finally made it home. We were so excited to be home. Joli especially was because she could go anywhere she wanted to without getting yelled at! As much fun as it is to visit, there's just nothing like being home. Joli did pretty good in the car. She slept most of the time and only cried the last hour of the trip. So I fed her M&M's. Oh well.

When we were almost home, we got to the spot where the fires came up to the freeway. It was crazy to see! On one side of the freeway it was just black as far as you could see. On the other side of the freeway there was the beach and blue ocean as far as you could see! The only scary part was that there is a spot along the ocean side, where there is a nuclear power plant. I hate to think what would have happened if there weren't six lanes of freeway between it and the fire.

But now we're finally here. In our own house and our own beds, and our own shower! She learned a new trick Grammi!
Ah home!


Laume said...

Okay, just for the record, we didn't YELL at Joli for going places. We simply kept her from going off in unsupervised or unbabyproofed directions. Don't want people thinking I yell at her! But of course your own house is much more baby friendly and that's much more fun for her.
She's learned to drain the water?

Belita Rose said...

Okay there was not yelling. I just meant that I didn't have to follow her around to see what she was getting into here. And she very much appricitated it.
Although she did learn how to climb into the shower so now we have to keep the shower doors shut. I usually shut the bathroom door if I'm not in there with her though. She likes to unroll the toilet paper, and it's only a matter of time before she figures out how to lift the lid.

Laume said...
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Laume said...

Tag, you're it!

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