Saturday, July 5, 2008

I Have Workspace!!

Since my hubby decided to ditch me to go play with his friends today, I decided I would do something productive. I started out thinking that I was going to finally make all the curtains for my house, but once I got into my laundry room/sewing room, I realized that was so not going to happen. So instead I spent the day cleaning and going through boxes, and getting to know the people at my local Target (been there three times today). But I finally have my workspace!

Here are all my projects and fabrics, sorted and labeled!
While at Target I got a new ironing board and a holder for it!
I finally got all the cleaning supplies put away and the pictures hung that are specifically mine.
The white shelf was already there, but I got that all organized. Then I put up the little brown shelf so I get could my little pictures frames off the desk and create even more workspace.
This is the part of my room that is shared with my kitties and sometimes a sleepy little baby.


Tonya Staab said...

Wow, you are so organized, all of my craft stuff is SOMEWHERE in the hall closet, a little in the garage, some in my bedroom, a pile or two in the living room, another few shelves in the front closet. Ugh. One day I will get it organized.

Laume said...

I haven't seen pics of the laundry room yet. Where is it in relation to the other rooms? Or is this the room that was made out of the garage that Joe wants to reclaim? It looks wider but shorter than your old laundry room. Is it the same amount of space? Can you work in it with the tight squeeze between the desk and stacks?