Thursday, November 20, 2008


Well besides trying to paint the entire living room this week, I've also had the wonderful pleasure of having the dog chew a hole in the linoleum, and Joli got the flu I had so she's been throwing up for two days. It's been quite a week, but hey it's Friday! Here's a little teaser on the living room.
I forgot last week to take a picture of the bedspread once I got it on the bed. Fortunately I've been able to protect it from the throw up!
Joli seems to be changing every day. Even with the flu i feel like she starts doing something else at least once a day. She's so sweet about complimenting me. It's so cute! Every time I start painting, Joli will watch me for awhile and then say "That's beautiful Mommy". I'm so amazed that she's really starting to speak in full sentences. When I tell her I love her, she says "I love you too Mommy!" It's just so cute in her tiny little voice! The other day we were in Wal-Mart and Joli saw this ten foot painting on the wall.

She then proceeded to explain to me that it was a painting of Uncle William playing football! It was incredibly cute and I completely ignored the fact that William is not black and that he is a defensive player. Still cute!


Laume said...

Also, Uncle William is not ten feet high.

Laume said...

He IS tall. Just not THAT tall.