Friday, November 7, 2008

Poor Puppy

Well my crazy dog has done it again. Somehow he found something in the backyard that could cut one of the pads on his foot. After gathering opinions I decided that my best plan was to clean it and wrap it so he couldn't get anything else in it. He wasn't so thrilled about this idea and ripped it off twice. This evening I finally did it right so even though he ripped some off he wasn't able to get the part off covering the wound. I think I did pretty good.
Here is trying to act like he wasn't just chewing on his foot.
Oddly enough it was somewhat encouraging to be reminded that I can take care of things on my own. I take care of most of the things concerning our family but Joe and I take care of the big things or any problems together, since I didn't have that option today I had to figure out a solution by myself. If it was something with Joli I wouldn't have had any problem with this, but Joe's the dog guy and the only things I know about dogs is what he has told me. So, yay me and my excellent problem solving skills (and the wonderful people who offered up their advice!).

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