Saturday, April 21, 2012

"Laughter is timeless. Imagination has no age. Dreams are forever."

-J.M. Barrie (Author of "Peter Pan"). While we were at Summer's Past yesterday, Joli and I picked out a few things to make a fairy garden! After a quick trip to Home Depot this morning, we were ready to start!
 Markus was pretty pumped about our second project and kept trying to start that one.
 These are the plants we got at Summer's Past.
 We started our little garden with some Lamb's Ear.
 Then we added some pretty flowers. (No idea what they're called. We picked them cause they're pretty.)

 Next was the pathway and patio area.
 Then a little bench with a lamp, and rock that says "grow".
 I'm fairly certain there will be several arguments over this garden in the future. I'm looking forward to how nice it'll look once the flowers get bigger!
 Our second project involved this area next to the porch.
 Markus helped me clean up and get the planter box together.
 He also helped me pour in the soil.
 Since our garden in the back gets a lot of sun, and the lettuce didn't like that last year, this was the perfect spot for them. Joli did a lovely job planting them. Now I just need to get some bark to put around the outside.
 I'm also thrilled with how nicely the chives are doing!! Now that they're not in the back where the dogs can eat them...
There's still a lot we'd like to do with yard, but this was a good start! Now it's time to plant the big garden!

1 comment:

Laume said...

Oh Lisa, what a lovely day of projects! The flowers are dianthus, or Sweet Williams.