Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Such a Busy Day

Trying to keep busy and keep my mind off the fact that I haven't talked to Joe, so we've pretty much been going non-stop! Well, except when we wake up and cuddle.
Since Abby's kids don't like the daycare at the Y, they came and played with us on the playground while Abby worked out today. Lilly decided to be brave today and climb to the top of everything!
Syrus had a great time and informed me that "Mommy's don't drink juice, mommy's drink wine." When I told him that I like juice he said "well my mommy only drinks wine!". Abby was a little shocked by his response!

Yep, she wanted to climb up it.
And she did.
Syrus and Charlotte bumped heads last night, he still has a band-aid from it!
The top of another climber!

After nap we headed to Coronado to play in the sand.

I felt bad that Brody's been left at home so much, so he came too!

Joli ended up in time-out and was not too thrilled.
Joli fell asleep on the way home, so Markus and I spent some time together.
I was having some applesauce, so I let Markus try some.
I've been trying to make sure Markus sees lots of pictures of Joe. He's been loving it!

1 comment:

Laume said...

Abbey, you need to start calling it "grape juice".