Wednesday, October 12, 2011

It's been so long.....

I'm almost embarrassed that I haven't posted, but honestly we've just been living. Riding bikes...

My family was in town last weekend and we had such a great time!

My lovely husband!

My sweet baby.

Sadly I didn't get any pictures of my mom! I wonder if she was in the bathroom when I took those :(

Joli decided to spend her allowance money this week. She gets $2 a week. She did a great job saving!!

The other night we made some play-doh. Not only for fun, but so Markus could play and we wouldn't have to worry about what he was eating!

He was very intrigued.

Joli showed him the ropes.

One of the funnest places in the house apparently...

Joli wanted to camp in the backyard, but that meant one of us would have to give up our new comfy mattress for the ground and that wasn't going to happen. So she's been "camping" all week.

Markus just loves sharing with the dog.

I got some really cool books for the kids at the library the other day, if only they enjoyed them as much as I did!

The kids have also been enjoying the papasan chair since I moved in into the living room!

Today it was SOOOOO hot, so we went outside.

The came in a snuggled up!

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