Sunday, May 6, 2012

Hard Workin' Mama

 I started busting my butt around 8am. I wanted to get the grass cut before Jess gets here tonight so the kids can play outside this week. I started with the front yard and then figured I should get the lavender in the ground. Once I got the crab grass dug out, I had pretty much got the bed cleared so I figured I better put some weed blocker down. But I didn't have anything to hold it down with, so I put down the bark too.... You can see how it just snowballed.

 Markus came out to help me and eventually got bored, so we went into the backyard to mow the grass. He jumped on the trampoline while I mowed, and then trimmed the tree. I started working putting seeds and plants in the garden and the kids decided to help.

 Once the garden was planted, we came in for some lunch. Then I cleaned the bathrooms, the litter boxes, and did the dishes. After I got Markus down for a nap I had Joli help me put on some sunscreen so I could go back outside. She tried.
 While Joli cleaned her room, I went out and took pictures of the garden.

 Next I got five bags of sand and a bag of cement, and mixed them together in the wheelbarrow. Then I leveled the patio area, set up and leveled the flagstone, put down the mixture, and then wet the whole thing down. It came out so great!!!
 After I cleaned up the mess from the patio, I went back to the front yard and finished the section of the front I was working on earlier. I still have about 1/3 left, but it'll have to wait for another day.
After I was done cleaning up this mess, we all got in the shower. Then got in our jammies, went to Target to get pet food, to Sprout's to get people food, and home to eat dinner. We got Markus all set up in Joli's room and then both the kids went to bed. From there I put clean sheets on Markus' bed, vacuumed all the floors, started a lot of diapers, unloaded the dishwasher, and put away the groceries. Needless to say, I am exhausted and ready to relax!

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