Monday, March 22, 2010

Hide N Seek

Joli took a nap today which meant she was in an excellent mood this evening. It also meant that Joe had to be on top of his game. So they played hide n seek. This is one of Joli's better hiding spots.
Zeus pretty much gave Joe's hiding spots away every time. He would follow Joe and then sit in front of where he was hiding and stare at him.
Another great hiding spot. Most of the places she hid weren't that bad, it's just that she would only crawl halfway in them and then laugh hysterically until Joe found her.
Joli also wasn't that great and the counting part. She can count almost all the way to twenty but it took about eight times for us to get her to actually cover her eyes and not watch where Joe was hiding.
Can you see Joe?
The whole thing was actually very funny. Joe would say "Where's Joli" and she would laugh and say "I'm in here". Then he would say "I can't find you", and she would tell him where she was! She would also start laughing every time he said "Ready or not".

1 comment:

Laume said...

I love the last photo of "hiding Joe". I bet he looks just like that when he's at work. LOL!