Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A Blazin' Hot Day!

It's been such a warm week, Abby and I met at the beach to cool off with the kids! It's been awhile since we've had a good beach day, and today was that day! The kids and I got their early and played for awhile before the rest of our group showed up.

What a sweet big sister.

Markus wasn't all too sure about the crashing waves.

Then Syrus and Lilly and Abby showed up. Syrus and Joli hadn't seen each other in a month! They were so happy to be playing together again!

Markus was very happy to see our friends!

He's much more interactive now!

Syrus has all the cool toys!

I took the side off so I could sit in the wagon...

Abby brought a boogie board for the kids and they LOVED it!

Markus, Lilly and I just watched.

It's hard being out in the sun all day!

Then everyone came in to warm up. They remind me of three little puppies in blankets.

Such a fun day!

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