Thursday, July 28, 2011

Sam and Ashley's

After spending some more time with Grammy and Papa, we headed over to Sam and Ashley's so they could see the kids. Joli just can't wait for Berkley to be big enough to play big girl things with her!
Markus just wants to fix their cars.

Markus and Berkley have finally gotten old enough that they're practically the same age, and the definition of "double trouble"! "These crackers are phenomenal!"

Both the babies think Joli is the most interesting thing in "their" world.

Markus and Joli are always up for some snuggly movie time!

Ashley decided to mow the lawn Wednesday morning and Markus and I watched.

He thought it was very interesting... from a distance.

"Oooops, too close!"

"This is better."

In between the time that Ashley finished with the lawn mower and went to get the weed whacker, the sprinklers decided to come on. The kids were pretty excited about that!

Joli had a great time catching rainbows!

Markus didn't quite seem to understand that if he didn't run though the sprinkler, he then would get sprayed.

"Evil water!"

Mommy's pretty funny though.

Ugh, down in the water again.

And back to Mommy.

Markus' hair is certainly adorable but was on the verge of being out of control. So I made sure to get a few pictures of it...

Before we cut it!!! Uncle Sam did the first few snips.

Proud uncle!

Markus was a little unsure about this idea.

Then Auntie Ashley finished him off.

He looks like such a big boy now!

On Thursday morning we were getting ready to go, and the kids decided they should entertain themselves...

Crazy kids!

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