Sunday, February 9, 2014

Dinos and Dragons

Last year I saw this cool idea to made a dinosaur hoodie with some felt for Markus. He thought it was awesome!!
 Joli thought it was awesome too! Which lead to making her one as well.
 So that we could all be dinosaurs together, I made one for me! Which I got complements on everywhere we went, and eventually sold to someone that loved it so much!
I also made one for sweet Charlotte for her birthday.
 A friend of mine loved them, and asked me to also make them for her children!

 Then my brother's birthday came along, and a brother needs to be a dinosaur sometimes!
 Soon Markus began to outgrow his original dinosaur, so I made him another.
 And since I had a few sweatshirts around, I figured I'd make some more.
 I made myself another, and some for other family members, which I thought would be fun to wear out for a photo shoot together!

 Since it was almost Christmas, I thought of several family members that needed to also be dinosaurs, and it became an excellent gift!

 Then Markus once again outgrew his sweatshirt, and again I made another.
 This lead to several friends saying that they too would like to dress as a dinosaur!

 Joli, of course, having outgrown her sweatshirt, asked if I could make her another. I just couldn't resist the colors this one brought with it! She's like a dinosaur Care Bear!
 My cousin needed a dinosaur sweatshirt to wear for her second grade class, and I quite agreed!
 Next, a friend wanted one for his little boy. Which came out so cute!
 While I was out one day, I came across a few more sweatshirts that I thouht would make excellent dinosaurs or dragons. So I made them and they're now active listings!! I love the natural elements to this one!

 I wish a knew a sweet little two-year-old for this rocking 2T dinosaur!!

 A few people had mentioned how great it would be if I added ears, and made it more of a dragon. So this sweet size 8 sweatshirt was my first!

 Markus was so excited when I made this blue dragon, and was even more disappointed when I sold it the next day!  

 The addition of the tail, made it even more special!

I also have listings up for custom adult sweatshirts, with the option to add ears and tail!

Children's custom sweartshirts size x-small to large, with the option of ears and/or tail are available here:

Infants and toddlers are probably my favorite when I see them climbing around and pretending in these sweatshirts. I have a a custom listing available for sizes 3 months - 4T, with an option of ears and/or tail!

Please visit my Etsy site, Dinos and Dragons,  to see all listing available!

Don't forgot to like us on Facebook!

1 comment:

Miss Elena said...

I love this Lisa! It's fun to see the progression :)