Saturday, June 7, 2008


Well I don't have a whole ton of pictures because we've been so busy, but I'll show off what I have. This is what Joli spent most of the week doing. I felt kind of bad, but I had to get things done. The tv is actually in the cabinet now and all her toys are here and in her room so I haven't been letting her watch that much anymore, but Joe bought her the Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh and all I hear about now is "fooh". This is my "I don't have a plug for my dryer, only a gas hook-up" clothes line. It worked really good though. It was actually completely full right before I took this picture but I got so focused I forgot the take the picture first. I did over 10 loads of laundry yesterday. That's what happens when you're moving and don't do laundry for two weeks!
This is some pictures of Joli's room. Still not complete, but on it's way. I have since put up a white shelf with some collectables from my childhood about the changing table.

This area will complete once we finish cleaning the other house and bring back the bins of toys that are there for Joli to play with while we clean.
I will have many more pictures soon as most everything is done. But the bathrooms don't have like fixtures so I want to wait for those, and there are still no couches in my living room, so I will take a picture as soon as that happens as well. Our bedroom still has a few more pictures that need hung, and the office will not be done for a while. As we did not have an office before we will be buying furniture for it this fall and then I will be putting up pictures. For now, the computer is on an end table and there are boxes all on one half of the room. We'll get there eventually though!


Laume said...

Thanks so much for the update, loved the peek! Joli will survive a few days of t.v., 'specially if it's "fooh". I really like the green in her room, it's both cheerful and soothing at the same time. And I loved the laundry pic. Sadly, I used the dryer the other day because I had such a bad headache I couldn't bring myself to go out into the sunshine.

Miss Elena said...

i really want to come down and see your house!