Monday, August 8, 2011

Learning How to Play

Joli woke up with a pretty nasty cough this morning and it appears Markus is headed there too. So after laying on the couch for awhile, I thought we should go outside and use up some energy. After everyone ran around for about 15 minutes, I decided to try and bring out the one with the most energy. Before bringing Havoc out we discussed the rules. The kids weren't allowed to run (so Havoc wouldn't chase them), Brody had to stay laying down (So he wouldn't squish Havoc), and Havoc wasn't allowed to bite anyone. Some followed the rules better than others. Brody did wonderfully!
Markus was too intrigued by the dog's interactions to even wander off.

The dogs had a great time wrestling together! Brody didn't even try to get up, and Havoc even laid down and snuggled with Brody a few times.

Such silly puppies.

Brody was a little bummed that he didn't get to run around when Havoc, but he still thinks he's the same size as him!

Eventually everyone tried to sit with me and Markus wanted to be sure everyone knew that I'm HIS mommy.

Havoc did a pretty good job leaving the kids toys alone and just watching them.

Markus found a giant stick, and I think he thought he would carry it around in the event he needed to defend himself.

Such a great dog!

Quickly becoming best friends.

"Okay mom, I don't want to play anymore. Let's go inside."

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