Thursday, August 11, 2011

Recent Phone Pictures

Here are some pictures from the last few weeks. Markus very much enjoys dress up with Joli's crown.
Once Markus started walking I enrolled him in gymnastics, mostly because he won't stay out of Joli's class anymore! He's the youngest in his class but he enjoys all the climbing.

And the tunnels.

His favorite is the marshmallow pit, I have a hard time getting him out!

Here are a couple pictures from when we were in Vegas.

Markus was getting pretty restless in the car, and after I had used every mommy trick I could come up with, I pulled out one last thing. Joli got one simply because Markus had one.

He LOVED it! And of course was a hot sticky mess. Driving is exhausting.

Last weekend I went to use my vacuum and discovered that the suction was low, so Markus helped me clean it out.

I bought a new shelf to help organize the toys now that there's a giant cage in the living room. Markus thinks it's wonderful.

Yesterday I finally got my car washed after two road trip and an endless amount of squashed bugs and bird poop. Luckily there's something for the kids to play with at the car wash.

This morning the kids had a dentist appointment and it was Markus' first time!! He did a great job, and of course loved flirting with the dental hygienists!

Joli did much better than previous times. I promised her there would be no poking this time, so she was pretty excited.

Listened well and everything.

Markus didn't have any of the electric stuff used on him, so he was fascinated when Joli had her turn.

They were both so patient.

Tonight we cuddled up and watched a movie together. When the kids started asking for a snack, I made some popcorn. Markus immediately got out the stool!

Such a clever little thing.

He's finally learned what "hot" means, which is very handy in keeping his hands out of things.

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