Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First Day of Kindergarten!!

Joli started school today!! It was pretty overwhelming when we first arrived but eventually we found our way and got Joli to her room.
When I picked her up she was very excited to tell me that she made three new friends. She got to see her friend Paola at recess. She loved her lunch, except they didn't make the green beans very good. She didn't get to play as much as she does at preschool. And last but not least, the boy that sits next to her is annoying because he doesn't listen to the teacher, but she always does.
When she got home I asked her what she thought she was going to be when she grows up. At first she said "everything", so I said if she could only do one thing what would it be. She thought about it and decided she was going to be an actress in a Disney movie like Journey 2: The Mysterious Island. She's so silly, and so grown up!!

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