Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Baby Basket

I decided to be a good little mommy today and do the things mommy's are supposed to do. So after I made Joe's lunch, took him to work, and came home from my run, I set to work with feeding the baby, doing the dishes, organizing the storage area, and putting away the laundry. My pint-sized little darling followed me around and offered her help and input wherever she thought was needed. As I was putting away her clothes I noticed that she was also in the closet, but not as she normally is.
She very much appears to be in her element. We were both quite entertained by this, until she tried to get out. Apparently it's not as easy as it was getting in. So after several tries and lots of banging her head on the wall, she finally yelled and I came over and pulled her out of the quicksand of stuffed animals. I also pulled out a few animals so she could play with them on the floor. She humored me briefly and squeezed them a few times, then climbed over the top of them and back into the basket. This time I let her work on it for quite some time, until she looked as though she had decided it would be easier just to live in the basket, and then I helped her get out. This time she did not crawl back in. I feel somewhat saddened to realize that it will only be a matter of years before she realizes that life is not so simple, and much of it will be spent "climbing out of the basket". But for now I sit back and admire her innocence, and wonder, could I fit in the basket?

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