Sunday, September 23, 2007

Brushes of Life

Well Joe and I were very exciting to discover that our once very tiny baby girl, now how her very first very tiny tooth!! Although Joli frequently brushes her teeth with me, it is now becoming an important habit. So Joli takes another step down the ever looming path that leads to the ultimate leaving of the nest. But I'm not sad, I'm excited, I can even feel three more just under the gums. Throw in some nasty diaper rash, from what I can only assume came from Joli's first taste of kiwi, and we are now tip-toeing around in an attempt not to disrupt the tiny time-bomb that resides in the crib next to us. This is also the reason in which I do not have a picture of the before mentioned tooth. Every time I even try to look at it, she either sticks her tongue out at me or throws herself down screaming, another new trick that she picked up this week and just loves to use no matter how interesting the thing is in which I am trying to distract her with. So in short, yay for toddlers!!

1 comment:

Laume said...

She looks so cute, watching you so carefully and doing what she sees you doing. The diaper rash might be from the kiwi or it might be from teething. That can cause diaper rash - something to do with changing the acidity of the body or something, can't remember.