Friday, September 21, 2007


It has not been an incredibly eventful week. I started running again and I'm feeling very good about it!! Hopefully I'll be getting closer to my pre-pregnancy weight very soon. I cleaned the entire house yesterday. I was waiting for my new vacuum bags to arrive in the mail and as soon as they did it seemed to be the trigger and off I went. I even rearranged some rooms. Today I washed the car and then locked myself out of the house while Joli played upstairs. Not my shining moment. Fortunately I did not panic and I remembered that in an effort to conserve energy I had been opening the windows and not using the a/c. So I climb the hill to the back of our house and entertained Joli by busting out the screen and climbing through the window. Yay me! I've also started to get a little excited about the upcoming holiday season. This tends to happen way before most people have even begun to think about, so my very sweet husband humors me and lets me listen to my Christmas music for a week or so until I get my fix and then come back to the holidays at hand. This also happens to be the reason why my child is wearing a Christmas shirt. But only for pajama's, not in public.

She's a very sweet sleeper though!!

1 comment:

Miss Elena said...

aww hahaha
i've started listening to christmas music already!
