Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Times Have Changed

When Joli and I picked up Joe from work today he announced that he would be taking us out to Souplantation! It's one of our favorite places so I was very excited. While we were there I was reminding of the time last summer when Joe's family was here and we had all gone to Souplantation. Joli was only about six months old and not yet eating solid foods so we were all feeding her Jello. At the time it was very entertaining to watch her expression as she tried to figure out what the strange substance was that we were putting into her mouth. Today she is 17 months old, and definitely eating solid foods! She even uses a big fork!
When we took her to Souplantation for her 1st birthday we tried to give her a tiny ice cream cone. She couldn't figure out how to hold it and eventually ice cream fell out onto the table and ended up smeared all over the table and herself. Fortunately her skills have vastly improved.
Later in the evening I began going through our storage and trying to decide what I would be taking to my friend Jessica (due in August!) and what would continue to be stored at the new house. Joli was thrilled to stroll down memory lane with me. I was thoroughly amused by her excitement over her "new" chair. Up until she was about nine months old she used to sit in it all the time! Then she figured out how to get out of it!
We also found the sling I was so excited about at my baby shower and swore I was going to use all the time! Come to find out I had a very strange baby who did not like that whole "swaddling" effect, and the two times I put her in it she freaked out because she couldn't see what was going on. Amazingly, now she thinks it's awesome!
We also experimented with different ways to use the sling that my MIL gave to me, and I also never used. She wasn't too fond of this one.
This way she thought was pretty funny except I had to have Joe help me put her in it and then when she started to climb out I wasn't able to catch her!
This way we actually both enjoyed. She just hung out on my hip and it was totally comfortable. I thought she was going to fall asleep there for awhile.
Well I guess my baby is not so much of a baby anymore, and I'm sure she's only going to get bigger! :(

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