Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Home and The Beach

The past few days have been fairly busy and fairly productive. Yesterday we had Joli's last ballet class, lunch at Kacie's and dinner at Abby's. In the hour or so in between we took Brody for a walk and Joli painted.

For some reason she was very into wearing her gloves and wanted to wear them to Abby's. I said sure as long as I got a picture.
Today we Abby and the kids at the beach. We were hoping for a little warm weather and it was okay, but not bathing suit weather.

After a bit we all walked down to the water for the kids to collect some rocks/shells.
Lilly didn't really care about the rocks as much as she wanted to get wet!

Joli and Syrus weren't really trying to get wet they were just trying to get water in their buckets.
Lilly thought that was pretty cool too!
Abby and Syrus jumped over some waves together.
Joli ran and screamed every time a wave came...
And Lilly was totally adorable as she screamed and followed Joli!

Eventually Lilly fell and got soaked which meant it was too long before she was cold and wanted to go sit up on a blanket.
Once we got back from the beach of course the sun came out. Joli and I spent most of the afternoon on the front porch. She played while I cleaned off the porch and hung the birdhouse that she made.
Once every thing was clean out front I figured I should go take a look at the backyard.
So I pulled a bunch of weeds and put down some topsoil.
I finally got one of three lavender plants in the ground. As soon as I get the rest of those weeds out I'll be able to put in the other two. One step at a time I guess.
Eventually our tummies started to growl so we went inside for literature filled dinner.
Such a lovely day! Hopefully I will continue feeling productive tomorrow and clean the office!

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