Sunday, April 25, 2010

Tea For Lunch

Instead of making lunch today I made tea sandwiches for a tea party! Joli was wanted a tea party this morning so it seemed like a great plan! We had PB&J and cucumber and cream cheese!
We also had some cut up fig newtons and some fruit!
Joli loved it! She ate all the PB&J's, most of the blackberries and oranges, but didn't really like the fig newtons all that much. Oh well.

If only she could always be this appreciative!


Laume said...

Sounds lovely. I remember we were together when we got that tea cup, right?

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, once again you are a very clever, good mommy!!!!Your tea party presentation was incredible!!! Would even make me want to eat the fig newtons!!! So good.....Joli is a very lucky girl...but where was your tea???