Monday, May 16, 2011

As It Should Be

This morning we woke up and got ready to pick up Joe!!!!!! Markus was super excited!! It took me awhile to Joli to get up until I reminded her why we were getting up. Then there was the argument of whether or not she had to get dressed. It wasn't that early! (Okay, 6:30 is early, but still)

Joe had to unload some stuff, so we stopped and got some bagels. Then we went to the base and sat in the back of the car, and waited. Before too long there was a familiar face walking across the parking lot!!
Joli could barely contain herself. She was telling Joe EVERY THING she could think of!

Markus was mostly focused on what looked like a giant toy that Joe walked up with. He let Joe hold him, but he really wanted to check the thing out.

What a fun statue.

Then once Markus had had time to look at the toy he wanted Daddy!

Barely took anytime before he started reaching for Joe!

We made it home and Joe had a big brown child to greet. He was over the moon!

Markus was fascinated. He kept saying "dog, dog!".

Joli wanted Joe to jump on the trampoline and basically pay attention to only her. So they had a little jump time.

Markus remembered we had a slide.

But it wasn't as exciting as Daddy.

Joli thought it was Wrestlemania time! Markus just wanted to throw the balls to Daddy.

The boys started getting a little sleepy, so we went inside for them to take a nap while Joli and I watched the new movie Joe bought for her. (Gnomeo and Juliet!!)

So many more memories to come!!!

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