WARNING: This post may be equal parts entertaining as well as offensive. Read at your own risk.I find myself wondering sometimes, why it is perfectly
acceptable to disregard social expectations when it comes to babies. When I look at my daughter I do not see a little baby. I see a tiny human being. She has her own thoughts and feelings, and should have her own personal space. When I go to give her a hug or pick her up and she pushes me away, I respect the fact that she doesn't want me to. So I wish someone could explain to me why it is okay for a perfect stranger to walk up to my child and start grabbing her cheeks or kissing her. I'm sorry, but if some strange person walked up to me and tried to touch me, it would be tough not to hit them. It's like people are just dumb. If she pushes your hand away, then stop touching her! I don't want to be rude to people, but just because she's a baby doesn't mean it's okay to invade her space. Some people are nice and only touch her feet unless she pulls away. Some people ask, and as long as Joli doesn't seem to mind then it doesn't bother me. But those people that walk up and start touching her without making eye contact or acknowledging in any way that I am there or even Joli's mother, those are the people looking to get hit. She is a human being. I'm not sure what life has in store for her but I'm sure it is not for strange people to touch her all day long. (I hope).
The other socially
acceptable thing that people do, is to analyze her. I don't think I've had a conversation in the past seven months that hasn't including who Joli looks like and whether or not she's the right size, weight, height, etc. I'm going to make a sign and attach it to her wherever we go. It will read as follows:
Her name is Joli.
Yes, she is cute.
She is perfect; no matter who you compare her to, she is the perfect size, shape, color, height, weight, etc. for her.
She is doing exactly what she is supposed to be doing at this age.
She has beautiful blue eyes that came from both of us.
She looks like both of us!
She came from my husband's sperm and my egg.
She is a part of me and a part of him.
That is how we came up with Jo Li (Joe and Lisa).
Now you stand in the middle of the room and let us talk about your looks and your body.
Thank you all for letting me vent.