Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Creative Frenzy

I think I'm a very strange person. Sometimes I'll be sitting down nursing or trying to go to sleep and I'll start looking around whatever room I'm in. Then I'll get an idea. Some way that I can move the furniture or decorate, or even something that I can make. Then, at that moment, I will just have to do it. (Unless I'm nursing, then I wait until I'm done.) I have to do what I was thinking about, and finish it before I can do anything else. And while I'm doing this, I will also come up with a few other creative and often related things that I can do while I'm doing the first thing.

This is what happened tonight. I started thinking about how little time Joli spends in her crib. Which led to me thinking about how cramped it is in our bed. Which then led me to the idea that I could put her crib next to our bed. Since I don't think that she will sleep too well being separated from us, I thought I would take off the side bar, since that is one of the four ways the crib is made to be used. After that I could put the crib between the wall and our bed, so that she would still be close to me. So I proceeded to do this. In the process I had to move all kinds of things around to get the crib in, which meant that after I got the crib all set up, then I would have to rearrange our room, naturally. Once I did finally get the crib in and adjusted to the right height, I had to figure out a way to make sure Joli couldn't fall in between our beds. They were pushed up against each other pretty close but I shoved some pillows in there for good measure. So our room was finally done.

But then there was this space in the living room, so I rearranged the living room. All done with that. Next I needed to put away the side bar to the crib. All the other crib stuff is in Joli's closet. So I rearranged the closet. Now I'm working on washing all the sheets. Being creative is exhausting!


Miss Elena said...

Thank you!
Mom told me that last night. That's the "underwear" that Mom bought me.

Kristen said...

this is what i did with rhys. it was pretty funny how often *I* ended up in the crib - but it gave us all a little more space and nursing was easy peasy.

of course, he still sleeps with us most nights and we don't have the sidecar anymore since he's 4 and all that...ah well. :) i still think the sidecar is the way to go!