Saturday, October 10, 2009

Winter = Water and Sand!

Joli goes through phases of not wanting her picture taken, but apparently she's okay with it for now.
One of my favorite things about living in San Diego is that I can go to the beach any time of year and it's never too cold. Joli looks so beautiful on the beach.

This castle was already there when we arrived. I thought I should snap a picture before one of the children brought it down.
Joli was all about Abby today. I was there but I guess she's had enough of me because she wanted Abby to do every thing.
I thought the water was a little too chilly but of course Joli didn't mind.

The beach is such a peaceful place. I can't wait until the tourist give up and the beach is empty and majestic again!

1 comment:

Sage said...

In a conversation with hubby earlier, I literally said the words "You know what I did on my winter vacations? I went to the beach." Then I realized how much I miss San Diego. Still love Oregon though.