Kacie was a wonderful photographer and took thousands of pictures for us today but these are the pictures I captured with my phone. Markus William-Scott was born at 1:39pm today and weighed 7lbs. 4ounces and was 19.5 inches! We are now home and resting, and will be happy to let you all know when we're are ready for visitors! Until then keep checking back for more pictures and the story of how labor and delivery went for myself and our little Markus!!
Oh look at him, what a gorgeous little guy!!! Congratulations to mommy and daddy and the brand new big sister!!!
Yay!! Congratulations!!! So happy for you guys and your new additon!
Oh he's so awesome!!!!He's got big shoes to fill...little brother to Joli,Syrus, Lily and Charlotte!!!
Lisa, he is beautiful!!! Congratulations a million times over!
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