Sunday, June 19, 2011

Green Faerie Creatures

The sun came out again for Father's Day and we were happy to spend it with Papa for the first time!
He had such a great time with the kids!

It was a very relaxing day!

Joli hung out in the brush for awhile.

It was such a fun day!

Laume and her friends were all ready with their cameras!

Markus was an acorn baby once again, although his hat barely fit him this year!

The kids took some very cute pictures together!

Joli was being such a sweety.

Markus... wasn't.

We took a couple together.

Then we played and waited for another tea party!

While we were waiting they did the pirate show again!

Matt was a very good actor!

We also caught some of Nimbol's show!

Markus enjoyed the calzone so much from the day before, we had another one!

Then it was tea party time!

There was another show with pirates and puppets!

After awhile we headed over to the main stage to listen to some music.

Joli and I decided to get some henna done. Since there was a little bit of a wait, we rested in the henna booth on a soft blanket.

The henna turned out awesome!!!

I found these little faerie wings early in the day and kept them with me all day.

Markus was tired from all his crawling activities.

While we were dancing I came across some wooden swords for the kids. Markus LOVED them!

He's a regular Lancelot!

Such a fantastic weekend!!!!

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