Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Keeping Up

It seems like anytime that Joe is home a lot, I get behind on everything. On the plus side, I do get to see him a lot. Since he's graduating on Friday, he's basically doing nothing all week. So he's been spending a lot of time at home and with us. Today we were lucky enough to have him join us in a trip out to Summers Past. He mostly slept while I played with Joli and read a book, but he was there!

Once we got home it was time for dinner and Joli's first time with spaghetti! She had a blast. She was a little tired and cranky, but she's was having so much fun she just kept eating it!

After she was done I realized there was just no point in trying to wipe her off so she went directly into the tub.

This of course was very fun. Especially when she trap all her toys at one end so she could reach them all.

All except the one who got away.

The rest of the week has been pretty fun. Yesterday we went to the Farmer's Market. Joli seemed to enjoy it.Tomorrow everyone shows up for graduation. We're so excited!!!

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