Monday, November 12, 2007

Pictures and Scraps Collide

I finally have all my pictures organized! Today I worked on Joli at four months. I got a little more than halfway through April. I still have a quite a way to go, but it's a step in the right direction. Here are the pages I finished today.

As always Joli did her best to keep me entertained. She really enjoys the curtains. Tonight she discovered that she could see her reflection in the window. This is her dancing, waving, and talking to herself.

The rest of the day was pretty good too. We had lunch in Coronado with one of my friends that I don't get to see very often. It was actually really good. We went to this place that I've never been to before, and I had a chicken panini. It was so yummy!!! Then we went down to the KB Toy Outlet to do the rest of our Christmas shopping. It was a pretty fun day.


Anonymous said...

Yeay you finally got some scrapbooking done. I'm so bad I still need to scrapbook my wedding lol. I'm glad you guys had a good day today. Joli is so adorable as usual. I love you both


Laume said...

These pages look really great. I think you're developing more and more style as you go along.
Joli looks so cute flirting with herself.

Hey, I changed my dolls into post Halloween clothing on my blogs, did you notice? You need to change yours too. Well, you don't HAVE to, but you know what I mean.