Thursday, December 3, 2009

Catching Up

I've really posted much lately, but that's not to say that we haven't still been living. Joli has hit a brand new level of sassiness.
On Saturday Joe brought up all the Christmas boxes for me and Joli decided which holiday toy was her favorite.
In the evening Chris and Kacie had us over for a fire and marshmallow roast. It was a wonderful time!!
We told Joli that three-year-olds don't have binkies and that once we went to Disneyland then she would need to leave her binkies out for the binky fairy to take them to all the new babies that didn't have any. The binky fairy was generous and left her the movie Up!
One Sunday we met Chris and Kacie in Seaport Village and Joe decided to share some ice cream with Joli before lunch.
Usually we avoid the carousel when we go because it costs money but Joe just happened to have some cash this time, so we had a nice ride.
Kacie and I did some shopping the other day and Kacie decided to try Charlotte on her back for the first time. Charlotte thought it was the best! Kacie did not.

1 comment:

Laume said...

If she continues to be sassy after Sunday, it will all be on you. Because at age three Joe, who was a poster child for the terrible twos, turned into a delightful child.