Sunday, July 25, 2010

Spinning 'Round

I've been busy, busy, busy the past few days cleaning and getting ready for Faerieworlds! My children have been doing their best to remain patient.
Look! I actually caught a little smile!
Joli's such a goof sometimes!

I wonder where she gets it?
Yesterday we took the kids to see Toy Story 3. Markus couldn't wait to go.
Joli was the most excited!!
This morning I told Joli to go get ready to go the store...
They both looked pretty cute.

Brody sometimes gets forgotten in all the chaos, but he has his best friend.
Since Kacie had her surgery on Friday, I her if she and her family would like to join us for dinner and give them a break. Charlotte had a great time eating outside!
I was kind of surprised that they both sat and ate!
Markus joined us too.
Kacie looked pretty cute!
Classic Joli.
Charlotte thought she should come and have some veggies with me.

Chris ended up holding Markus a few times tonight, I don't think either of them minded.
I have to say Kacie is somewhat entertaining on meds.

Joli kept saying it was raining, so Joe made it rain.
Not sure what Charlotte expected to find in there.
This picture pretty much sums up my life at the moment.
See you soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They're great pictures Lisa!!! Joli is really getting to be a ham (I just noticed???) YOur children are so cute, and that 3rd monster....but such nice pictures.
And your porch looks so inviting a spot for dinner!
Thanks for taking care of Chris, Charlotte and Kacie! Pam