Friday, November 5, 2010

Coming Home

Yesterday morning we woke up to spend one more day with Jess and her family before heading home. Joli was very pleased to discover that Jess has an apple tree in her backyard.

They also have this cute little swing that she can get on all by herself.

Markus slept until almost noon! Since I had given up on waiting for him, I hopped in the shower, and then he woke up. So he hung out downstairs with Jess.
Joli is really starting to love her little brother. I think it's because she can hug and cuddle him without hurting him now!
Cole has all kinds of cool toys for everyone!
Still working on that balance thing.
Such a sweet sleeping baby.
Cole and Braden had an appointment to get flu shots in the afternoon, so I took Markus and Joli to the park. Markus is finally old enough to ride on my back!

Once Markus woke up from his little nap, he played on the floor while I packed and Joli watched Toy Story 3 (new favorite movie!).

Then we went to Olive Garden. Ryan's brother, Kyle, joined us and ordered some calamari. Joli chowed down on it and even convinced Cole to try some!
Markus was tired and did not listen to my protests to stay awake until he got in the car.
Once he woke up he was once again trying new things.

After driving all night we finally made it home at 4am. The kids were so excited to be home.
Joli of course wanted to watch one of her favorite movies.
After I got everything unloaded and made a little grocery list, we set out for the car wash and grocery store. The car wash has this cool little put-put.

Markus didn't get enough sleep and ended up sleeping in the cart.

While I made dinner, Joli played with a new stamp set that she got from Grammi.
Then we made parfaits from the cookbook that Ashley and Sam got me.
They were yummy!

1 comment:

Laume said...

That stamp set was from Gramma Barb. Funny to see you guys back in summer clothing.