Monday, November 15, 2010

The Weekend

Finally got a picture of Markus in his bat towel!
Joli decided to dump juice all over my her so we had to change the sheets.
Once we did, Markus got to look at pictures of us and he thought they were very exciting.
On Saturday our neighbor invited us to tea at her church which was so yummy!! This is my favorite sandwich. I think it has pecans, green olives, and cream cheese in it. Sooo good!

I gave my flowers to Joli afterward. She thought it was the coolest thing ever.
Our teapot was so adorable!
The desserts were entirely too good.
Yesterday there was a gymnastics fun day at the gym. It's kind of like open gym for the kids. Joli was so excited to be able to play in the marshmallow pit as much as she wanted to.
Markus and I played a little too.
There was a bucket of musical instruments to play with too.
Joli practiced balancing some.
After gymnastics we went to Nikki's bridal shower.
Joli had a great time being the only kid. She got a lot of attention!
She helped Nikki open her presents.
There was YUMMY cake.
This morning Markus was exhausted and slept in.


Laume said...

Lots and lots of cute photos. :)
Don't you have a tea pot like that I gave you? Do you still have it? I think Grandma gave it to me. Hmmm, don't remember.

Laume said...

Oh, and weird to see you guys in summer clothes having a party outdoors on the green grass. My yard - LEAVES.