Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Not Much to Report

We haven't really been up to much this week. Just the normal swim lessons, nursing, gymnastics, nursing, working out, nursing, cleaning, nursing, cooking, did I mention nursing? Markus is teething and having a growth spurt, my body is suffering! Fortunately he has an awesome big sister who loves to entertain him!

Since Halloween is over we have found some awesome sales on Halloween stuff. This adorable towel was JoAnn's for just a couple bucks! Markus got one that's a black bat! So cute!
Today we went over to check on Kacie's house and play for a little while. The kids had a great time!

Since Brody never gets to go anywhere and Bailey wasn't there, we took Brody with us! He loved running around at Kacie's!
The roses were huge! And since they were pink, Joli thought she should pick some.
Joli said "Princess have roses fall all around them and since I'm a princess I'm having roses all around me", boy I hope she gets over that by the time she's dating!!
Joli also told me while we at Target "I just saw a cute boy and I'm always looking for the man I'm going marry". *Shaking head, A LOT!*
I've finally figured out how to put Markus on my back, which has made doing things sooooo much easier! He doesn't seem to really mind either!

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