This is how I started out my day!!!

Joe said he felt bad that he wasn't here and he really wanted to do something for me because I'm so wonderful!! Yay me!!!
Joli is also having a fairly good day. We had some friends come over for a playdate and lunch and the girls played and fought and played and fought, just like little girls do. Once they left Joli was exhausted. I went in to cover her up and discovered that the good little mommy had covered her baby instead!

Of course that other baby looks like it's about to fall off the bed and has no blanket. Maybe it's the neighbors kid, lol!!!
Last night we got Peter Pan in the mail and I was excited to see that Joli LOVED it!!

We actually watched it twice last night before I convinced her it was time for bed. Have a great day!!
I love the photo of her with the reflection of her in the background. GREAT photo.
I love the photo of her with the reflection of her in the background. GREAT photo.
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