Monday, January 17, 2011

California Crunchies

Yeah, I guess we're "those" people. We got up and got ready to go hiking this morning! Markus was all about it.
I really need to get that kid a sun hat. Joli's been talking about going since last night and could hardly wait for me to get everyone situated so we could start.We found an awesome little trail.
Brody could hardly contain himself at first, but then he calmed down a little.
Markus did a good job riding around.

Before too long we veered off the path and walked in some nature.

Eventually we went as far as nature would allow, so we turned around and headed back up the hill.
After a stop at the store we headed home, where Joli immediately headed to her room to change.
Joli wanted some trail mix while we were hiking, and rather than buy some, I thought it'd be fun to make some. Joli had a great time.

So yummy!!!
There was also a TON of fresh fruit at Henry's so we got some berries and a few other yummy things. Markus loves it!
I had some mozzarella slices, so I got some tomatoes and basil at the store too. Mmmmmm.
Such a healthy, sun-kissed day!

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