Thursday, January 13, 2011


I have done a horrible job posting this week, mostly because I've done a horrible job taking pictures, but here are a few. On Saturday night we had a girls night at Robyn's house, all except our one little ladies man.
Leanh brought Despicable Me over, and Joli was glued to the tv.
It was nice to have some girl time and adult conversation!
Markus didn't think he needed to sleep AT ALL, and we still awake when we left around midnight!
On Sunday we went to the farmer's market and then just spent the rest of the day doing nothing. On Monday Joli had swim lessons and then we went to the quilt store where Joli played with the buttons for an hour or so. Tuesday was gymnastics and Markus and I played with the "marshmallows" while Joli was in her class. Markus thought it was hilarious!

Afterward we went out to the playground where Joli got a valuable life lesson. Last summer she had an issue where she didn't want to play with "brown people". After a lot of discussion on our mean and rude that was, and how she would feel if the tables were turned, she eventually became good friends with a "brown girl" her age. Now she asks about every week and is very excited when she is at the Y. Unfortunately, on Tuesday the tables had finally turned. There were two little girls around her age that told her they didn't want to play with her because she "isn't Japanese". We stayed and played for awhile and eventually Joli won them over and was playing with them by the time left, but not before I got a few pictures of her processing this interaction.
Markus was happy just playing on his blanket.

For Christmas Joli got a "lizard egg" from Uncle Albert and Aunt Karen.. We finally got around to hatching it and it was really fun to watch!
The lizard is out and still growing so there are more pictures to come.
Markus still isn't crawling but he's definitely climbing! Anytime I put something in front of him he figures out a way to climb right over the top of it!

Yesterday we needed to get a few things from the grocery store so we decided it would be nice to walk there. Joli had a wonderful time finding flowers and dandelions. She made a TON of wishes.

Markus was a little sleepy so he took a nap on the way there.

Such a little diva.

Once we got to the store Markus woke up and was very happy!
On our walk back we discovered a yard that had lots of "Fairy houses". Joli made sure I got some good pictures.

It was really quite warm out and we all ended up pretty hot on the way back. Joli kept pulling up her shirt to cool off.
Markus just watched us.
While we were eating lunch a box came from grammi. Joli was so excited that she got a hat to match mine and Markus'.
I finally got my present from Joe. Isn't it lovely!?!? It symbolizes our family!
Grammi also fixed this cute little dress for Joli and she insisted on wearing it all evening. She even wore it to cubbies so she could show her teachers!
For some reason Joli is now incapable of taking a picture without some kind of a pose now.

Well that was most of our week! Today we're pretty much hiding inside as I've had a bad headache since last night and it's just so darn sunny here!

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