Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I Don't Feel Like It

Since we've been home I haven't felt much like unpacking or putting things away. Everyday a do a little more, but the suitcases are still sitting on the couch, half full of clothes. I find that I'm missing my husband an aweful lot now. I knew that I would this month in particular. Normally I do a pretty good job keeping us busy and not thinking about it too much, but I haven't been able to this week. I'm not sure if it's because our friends that we spend most of our time with are still gone, if I'm still exhausted from traveling, or if it's because I spend half my day telling my crying four-year-old that it's okay, and daddy will be home soon, when I really have no idea when he'll be home, and I would much rather cry right along with her. I know it'll pass, and before I know it he'll be here and it'll all seem like a dream. So I'll just keep putting away clothes, assembling furniture, making meals, changing diapers, finding lost toys and binkies, cleaning floors, feeding animals...
There are two smiles that convince me to get up every morning, both usually demanding breakfast. While they exhaust me, they are both wonderful and sweet. It breaks my heart every time they're being really sweet or doing something amazing, because I wish their daddy was here to see it. Most of these pictures are of Markus, only because he is the one that will hold still and smile for me. Joli is such a little Diva, she only wants pictures when she's done "getting herself ready". Enjoy.

Maybe I'll get some more pictures of Joli tomorrow! Or maybe she'll let me upload the pictures off her camera!

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