Sunday, January 23, 2011

Grandma and Grandpa's

My grandma and grandpa finally made it back down to Yuma where they have a casita and we couldn't' hardly wait to go visit them! My mom drove down Friday afternoon and then over with us. The moon was so amazing on our drive over. It looked huge! When we stopped at a rest stop I just had to try and get a picture. It came out okay.
What looks better with the moon, than a baby!?!
When we got to grandma and grandpa's we were all very excited to get out of the car!
Grandpa thinks the kids are just the funniest.
They had this huge radish and cut a piece off for us to try. Markus thought it was the best teether ever!
Joli enjoyed playing with all of grandma's "toys".
Joli wasn't too happy when I said she couldn't sleep in the little bed with Markus and I, and that she'd have to sleep with GG. At first she staged a protest and set up a "bed" on the floor, but then got in bed with GG anyway.
Yesterday we had a great day relaxing and visiting.
Brody enjoyed having us outside with him most of the day.

Then Markus discovered rocks. It was very hard to convince him not to sample them, but he loved playing with them.
It was even more fun once he got the dump truck in it.
Joli had a great time hanging out with GG!

After dinner we got ready to roast some marshmallows and Markus tried a giant strawberry one. He wasn't too sure about it.
Joli loved all sweets of any kind, and she had a ton!

We had such a great time seeing grandma and grandpa and GG! Can't wait to go back over and visit again! Once we got home Markus demonstrated how much he's teething, but no matter what teethers I gave him, he kept chewing on the spoon!
Joli was excited to be back to her toys.
The little witch joined us for dinner.

Markus is just about to crawl. He spent the whole weekend getting up on his hands and knees and rocking back and forth. Grandpa is sure he'll be crawling by next week!

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