Thursday, July 24, 2008

Paint, Furniture and Animals!

After spending several days being down with food poisening, I was finally able to do more than feed Joli and myself. So I did all of the laundry, packed for Oregon, washed all the dishes and cleaned the kitchen. Joli was perfectly happy the enitire time because I finally dug out the "washable" paint. I no longer fully believe the term "washable" after having to use a hose, a scrubber and a large about of soap to get it off my front porch. But I set her up out there anyway, and she LOVED it. I searched for awhile and finally decided to use the paint lids for her to dip her paint brush. This way she only has a little bit of paint at a time, but can still control where the paint goes, plus she learns a new skill of holding the lid to get the paint out! It lasted for hours!
Eventually Joli decided it was easier to use the paint if it was not actually on the table. This is the point where I started to learn how "washable" things really are.
One thing I was able to do yesterday, even with an upset stomach, was put together the new furniture for our front porch! It looks so pretty!!! I'm planning on staining it and putting a protective finish on it once we get back from vacation, but it looks nice right now!
This is the porch swing. As you can see it is put together, now Joe just has to go to Home Depot and get the things he needs to hang it! I can't wait!!
Another thing I did today was to clean out the turtle tank and create some kind of makeshift pond area. It's not perfect but it'll work for now. Meanwhile Henry got to run around the yard and feel like a free man for a while!
Romeo felt it was vitally important that he hang out and make sure Henry stayed out of trouble.
Sampson was hiding blissfully in the air conditioning most of the day, but once evening came he decided he bounce around outside with his daddy!


Sonya said...

What beautiful furniture! I love that style!

Hope you have a great weekend!

Laume said...

The furniture looks lovely and fits with the stonework. Not terribly comfortable looking though - is it comfortable? Or will you need cushions? Is the turtle pond in the front yard???