Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Dog, The Apple Pie, and The Queen

First I will share our new "catdog". Kota has decided that this is the best place for him to lay when we are all at the table. I just can't see how it is comfortable, but if I haven't mentioned it before, he thinks he is much smaller than he actually is.
This is the apple pie that took me a week to finally make. While we were in Oregon my dad taught Joli how to say apple pie, and she then talked about it non-stop for several days. So my Aunt Marie sent us home with some apple pie filling, and I promised Joli I would put it in a pie. So here it is.
Joli watched it for awhile, just to make sure I was really making it.
On Tuesday we went to the kiddie pool with some other moms and their babies. Joli was excited to be back with our little playgroup.
We still don't have the swing put up. Joe doesn't think our porch is strong enough to support it, so there is promises to build a strong enough deck next summer to support the swing. I guess it will just be a stepstool until then. Bummer. Here is my little bird.

1 comment:

Sonya said...

Hey....I was just wondering how Kota was fitting into the family! Guess I got my answer! :)

Much love,