Friday, August 1, 2008

Joli's First Camping!

Part of the excitement for this year's Faerieworlds is that we got to camp with everyone from the fesitval! It was also Joli's first camping trip!! She seemed to enjoy herself. She still had cereal and bananas, what could be better!?!?

One of her favorite things about our tent is the little pet door that she fits just right through!
Here she comes again!!
This is Joli's first boyfriend! She played with him most of the weekend, then started some questionable behavior! Don't tell her Daddy!
So proud that she has all the pieces in the right spots!
As it got later into the afternoon Joli began to get a little tired and wanting a nap, unfortunately the festival started right about naptime. So she just wrapped herself up in her blankie until it was time to go.

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