Friday, August 8, 2008

Lots of Monkeys

Today we visited the zoo and got to see all kinds of animals. Mostly monkeys! Here are some of the first monkeys we saw! That would be Lori on the left and Holly on the right!
Here is a little baby monkey we came across. She was pretty cute!
As long as we're giving love we might as well hug everyone!
Here we are looking at the chimps. They were pretty cool, but Joli was cuter.
Here is a whole group of monkeys!! From left; Joli, Lori, My Dad (Paul), and Holly.
Joli liked seeing the "raffes". We don't go the zoo nearly as much as we should!
Now here is a classic "Joe in a picture" look. I took about five pictures, reminding him he needed to look at the camera and smile for the picture and this was the best one I got! He isn't as well trained as Joli.

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