Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Home, Not Sweet Home

We have left Sweet Home, OR and returned to our sweet home. We had a great trip but we are happy to be back with Joe and our house. Here are a few of the treasures we brought back.

This is the shirt that I bought on the last day of Faerieworlds. I decided on the first day that I would go through a section of the booths each day and not buy anything until the final day. It was very difficult to decide but in the end I thought I would wear this shirt the most.
Joli got a dragon as her treasure. About halfway through the weekend I decided that I might as well just buy her one as she kept taking them out of the booths!

I also just couldn't pass up this beautiful faerie figure. She is what I imagine I would look like if I really were a faerie. I loved it not only for its beauty, but it was fairly inexpensive considering it had been brought over from Europe!

This little girl I found at the Florist Shop in Sweet Home. I've always liked these figurines, but never wanted to spent the money. But the store was having a 50% off sale on them, so I just had to get her. I imagine that is what Joli will look like Halloween of 2009.

Here is the new addition to our household. Joe went and picked him up while we were gone. His name is Dakota and we call him Kota. He is a PUPPY!! Can you believe it!?!?! He's already 40 lbs. and only four months old!!! I keep wondering what I have gotten myself into, or more appropriately what Joe has gotten me into!
Look at that tongue! Did you know that puppies LOVE to lick!! I was not aware!
Here he is on our KING SIZE BED!!! So big!!! He's the sweetest dog though! All he wants to do is love, and if he would only stop going to the bathroom on my carpet, I would love him even more! We've only had him a few days and I feel like he's already another one of my babies! I did thank Joe today for the opportunity to experience having two children under my feet, only reinforcing my thoughts that it will be awhile before we try for another!

Joli has really enjoyed being home again! She's so excited to have her own toys and her own house. Isn't this the cutest dress!?!? Joe's mom found it at the thrift store and I LOVE it!!
Another thing we are happy to be back to doing is Joli's swim class. She just loves the water and I love helping her swim around and smile so much!
Joli laughs and squeels throughout most of the class. The babies are all different ages ranges from 6 weeks to 2 years. They all have such a great time though!

This is one of Joli's favorites, swimming to get the balls.
Here she is cleaning up and putting them back in the bucket.
Now here she goes trying to catch another one. Her favorite part of the class is jumping in off the side. But really isn't that everyone's favorite?! Joli also likes to swim back and forth between the instuctor and I. She's getting really good and staying under water and actually swimming to us! Another activity that is fun for both of us is spinning the rope and singing "Row, row, row your boat". Joli has started doing the singing part too!

It's so nice to be home!!

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