Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Like Father, Like Daughter!

Today was the first day that Joe was around to go to swim lessons with us and he got in the pool!!! We were both so excited! Joli did an excellent "this is my Daddy" performance for all her little friends!
I think she must have laughed the entire time, and I don't think Joe was having a bad time either!
It's important to show your child the proper way to blow bubbles. Doesn't he do a great job!?
Here they are doing "Row, rows", which is basically turning the rope and singing "Row, row, row your boat".
Joli's favorite part is the balls and she asks for them most of the time we're there.
This was one of the new things the kids just started, which is learned to pull themselves along the wall.
Last but certainly not least is swimming under the bridge! If you look closely you can see she's still smiling under water!
Joe did a great job for never being to a class before. He watched everyone and just did what they did, and Joli loved every minute of it!

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